Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday, April 21, 2012

I don't understand why it's so easy for people to walk away from me

Monday, April 16, 2012

There's so many things I want, and I've put myself in this spot where I don't think I deserve those things, I've been waiting and waiting, and waiting has gotten me exactly nowhere, I'm still the scared little five year old girl timid and watchful, so mature from watching others learn their lessons, so afraid of making mistakes, this all changes nothing but then it changes everything, yeah, it changes everything

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012

There's a feeling that comes when somebody says out loud what you've only been flirting with in thought up until that point. Something that means more then the simple words suggest, something that putting a voice to makes painfully real too soon. That's the point though, because when it was all in my head I was safe to play with alternate scenarios and genie wishes, but now I know the mirrors reflection and my make believe dalliances/musings slammed into reality/existance. I'm still trying to name the feeling/ what feeling is possibility.