Saturday, December 25, 2010

This one's for you

I always wanted them to be what I wanted them to be
But with you... I have never wanted you to be anything other then you

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I can listen to you describe every scene for the rest of my life

I've been watching the years pass by
Never knowing there was more
And though I've known how to smile
Looking back there's always a fakeness to that joy
Because I was never smiling for you
And I've known that love could be true
But I never thought it was for me until you said hello
And I've heard all the (sounds/songs)
About how a girl can change your world
But they failed to describe how you make my heart brand new

Monday, December 13, 2010

Someone who just lets me love her

She set me free so I could be with you
Because I never would have let go
I'm too blindly loyal to cut the disastrous inevitable
I'm sorry that's what it took
But I'm not sorry she did
Not anymore
I should have seen it from your first words
I knew we were going to be epic trouble
I just didn't know you were going to charm your way into being the only girl I have ever seen forever with
Feel forever with
A jaded but hopelessly romantic heart I have
Every word to every song I will write about love belongs to you
I will always belong to you

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

And I'm in the same place I used to be, but I'm trying harder not to be

I told the one person that needed to be told the most today. I finally let out my lies. The lies we both knew I was telling. But she listened anyway and loved me as she always has. We went for a walk. My t-shirt, two hoodies and bomber jacket protecting me from the cold but really it was the ice on the inside I was trying to melt. I am a little warmer tonight. I'm not doing test runs with people now. People that can’t do nothing to stop me or call me on it. I let go of my secret to someone real. Someone I see every day. I'm making myself responsible even when I feel like I couldn't support a pillow right now. I'm both relieved and scared shitless about the things I have put into words tonight. Things I have said out loud, out loud to another person. Made real. Proud and Ashamed. Strong and Weak. Such duality fighting within me and I don't want to break. Not this time. I don't have to be invincible but fuck I can't do the escape into sleep and apathy again. I can't be dead except for the breaths I'm still forced to take once again. There's got to be something worth fighting for. Someone. And maybe it doesn't need to be the same person all the time. Maybe it can be the person I need, at that time, for it to be. And maybe some of the time I will even let it be me...

Holy fuck she knows.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I dreamed of you last night

And see I want to write you songs
Give you my words in the form that means the most to me
And I've tried many times to do just that
But every time I come up with something lyric worthy
I feel the instant need to say it to you
So I do
Which is fine as long as you get to hear what is always meant for you

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Nobody thinks I'm going to hurt them
They have all said they can't imagine me hurting anyone, being a bitch, picturing me at my worst
When I am I can tell how much it takes them by suprise

The scary thing is I think I do it to prove to them I am capable of these things
That they are wrong to think all I am is good
It scares me what that means, who that makes me

I feel like such a broken person on even my best days
I want to give her the world but how can I when I struggle to see the good in me that she does

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It all hurt the same

I know you love her but was I ever even a thought after you left

...I wanted to tell you today
I haven't done it since November 5th

Sorry never makes it hurt any less

I'm sorry
I knew I was using you from the day we started talking
First I was trying to make someone jealous
Then I was trying to distract from the pain
She hurt me
And I hurt you the same exact way
I pretend I don't know-
I think, but I know, I just needed to be on the other side of it
Know how she could care so much but still hurt me so bad
I didn't want to do that to the one I'm with now
I didn't want to use her that way
I knew I needed to create some space before I could let myself fall; again
Somehow I convinced myself it was okay to do it to you
To let you think I was ever going to let it be more
Telling you I was going to hurt you was not an excuse to do it anyway
The fuck of it is we would have made great friends if only I had kept it at that level
That is what I was a fool to miss out on
I am always going to be that fool
I did a horrible thing when it came to you
That's why I let you yell every mistake at me
I know I deserved at least that much
And you deserve someone willing to give you more