Sunday, November 11, 2012

You're the watching of my favorite movie on worn out VHS tape
The static during the opening scene
Familiar in it's imperfection
You ingrained yourself into the replay value of my memories

You're the passage from the book with dogeared edges and wrinkled pages
I stared down the words as goose bumps raised my flesh, mouthing every word

You're the playing of that lonely album
I never learned an instrument or how to hit a vocal high
But give me an hour and I'll feel out every chord, sound out every note
You dance in my dreams to the pounded out sounds

You're the scrape of this pen, the tap of these keys
As I manipulate thoughts to paper
Rushing of emotion aimed at a point
Journals full of things labeled 'you'

You're hiding in every outlet I have
Escape just binds me closer to you

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